The Carbon 10 Group Celebrates International Women’s Day

8th March 2024

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we wanted to highlight the remarkable women who work within the Carbon 10 Group.

Working for a healthcare engineering organisation, the perception is that it is primarily a male-dominated environment. To help break this stereotype, we encouraged our female employees to use their voice to share experiences, stories, quotes, and messages to inspire women not only within the industry, but worldwide.

Here’s what they have to say…


Claire Howlett:

Sometimes in life your future doesn’t always turn out as expected creating a choice: “what to do next?”.

Making the decision to work a full-time job, where I have been given the flexibility and the chance to progress as Service Delivery Manager, whilst being a single mum, has given me the strength to realise I can be strong, I can be independent, and I can do it on my own.

Remember – if you fall and lose your spark, make sure when you rise back up, you shine your brightest.


Monika Nettle:

As a working mum to two boys, my days are filled with a delicate balance of meetings, deadlines, and family responsibilities. Juggling the demands of a high-pressure job in the financial industry while also being present and attentive to my sons can be challenging, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I am constantly prioritising and multitasking, ensuring that I am giving my all to both my career and my family.

Despite the occasional sacrifices, seeing my boys grow and thrive makes it all worthwhile. I am grateful for the support system that helps me navigate this hectic lifestyle and strive to set a positive example for my children as a strong, ambitious woman in the workforce.


Arwa Ahmed:

I am a mother of two, a wife and a full-time Biomedical Engineer employed by BCAS Biomed.

Being a mother while working has been the most rewarding and fulfilling experience, but I especially appreciate the work-life balance that BCAS Biomed have given to me as a mother.

The first thing that a mother would think about before applying for a job, is her children.

BCAS Biomed has long ago overcome the obstacles of making the field a male-only domain and here I am, five years of successful achievements, great customer satisfaction and most importantly, great life-work balance.

BCAS Biomed provide the necessary tools to enable me to do the job remotely, which of course includes a car to be able to provide services for our customers.

The service area that I manage, have clinics in the mornings, during which they do not advise any visits. The morning clinics start 8-10am, sometimes they request the service to start at 11am or even in the afternoon. So, flexibility is key here. This allows me not to miss the most important part of my children’s lives, which is the school run.

I thought it would be insightful to highlight some of the reactions from customers and general public when they learn I am an engineer – something which I experience almost every day:

1. In 80% of the callouts, customers would tell me that they were expecting a man not a woman! One customer even suggested that I should have pink screw drivers. I don’t think pink screw drivers are available in the market yet, but I believe we will see them very soon.

2. In one of the sites, I serviced the medical equipment in a male ward. The patients applauded when they found out that I was an engineer. They were so proud and surprised and that made my day.

3. Outside of work, when I am in parents’ meetings or friend’s gatherings, I still enjoy the surprised faces when they find out I am an engineer.

I am grateful to be part of a company that enjoys forward thinking in terms of providing flexible opportunities and greatly closing the gender gap in a field that is still thought to be only for men.


Dulcie Foster:

On International Women’s Day, it is an honour and privilege to be able to thank all the women who have paved the way for us to be able to make a difference in this biased world.

It is with that level of motivation that has helped me to work tirelessly to thrive and continue to make a difference in my personal and professional life, even in the face of defeat.

Women will continue to strive, breaking down barriers knowing that change will come, and we will continue to move forward.


Sarah Josif:

“Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” 


Sarah Hutt:

“Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.”


| Ghazal & Reham just 2 of our dedicated team of female clinical engineers, working on site to support our NHS client, ensuring patient safety is never compromised.


Sharon Leighton:

As a woman who is passionate about music it may be the tune that captures me, but on a day like today I think James and Aretha say it so well.

In the words of James Brown 

This is a man’s world.
This is a man’s world.
But it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing.
Without a woman or a girl.

In the words of Aretha Franklin 

 There was a time.
When they used to say
That behind every great man
There had to be a great woman.


Teodora Dariescu:

This International Women’s Day, let us honour the strength of women standing by women and express our gratitude to our male colleagues for their efforts to promote gender equality.


Niha Kante:

Navigating the healthcare engineering industry as a woman presents its unique set of challenges, yet my experience has been characterised by resilience and support from my colleagues. In a sector historically perceived as male-dominated, breaking through stereotypes has been a journey, but the camaraderie within my team has made a significant difference.

Embarking on fieldwork has presented numerous challenges. However, amidst these obstacles, I’ve encountered valuable learning experiences that have significantly contributed to my professional growth. The journey has demanded resilience, but each problem faced has been an opportunity to learn and adapt. My colleagues have played a crucial role in my journey, offering support, and fostering an environment where learning from on-the-field experiences is not just encouraged but celebrated.

While challenges persist, the shared commitment to inclusivity within my healthcare team highlights the industry’s capacity for change. The acknowledgment of these hurdles, coupled with the collective effort to overcome them, makes me optimistic about the evolving landscape for women in healthcare. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, it’s a reminder that the strength of unity within a team can reshape industry norms and pave the way for a more inclusive future.


| Celebrating International Women’s Day with a breakfast treat.


Reham Omer Awad Hamza:

I am a mother of three beautiful children, a wife and a full-time Biomedical Engineer at BCAS Biomed.

Starting work as a mother was very challenging for me, creating that harmony between home and my job in the beginning wasn’t easy, however, BCAS Biomed has provided huge support to maintain this balance.

Being a female Biomedical Engineer requires to me to consistently give my best, but having big support from my colleagues and the whole team helps me to develop as a service engineer and is something I am grateful for.


Ghazal Motamed:

Despite the fact this field is historically considered as a male dominated field, we can see a significant increase in the number of successful and knowledgeable women in the industry.

I am very grateful for working with a diverse range of women in both the technical and management side of the business, whom I will always consider as my role models in this field.

However, with all these positive changes in equal job vacancies in the Biomedical Engineering field, women are still experiencing challenges to prove their abilities and knowledge to colleagues and customers.

As a woman in Biomedical Engineering, I have navigated a journey of challenges, achievements, and continuous learning. From day one, I stepped into a EBME workshop as a trainee engineer, and now, I am working as a team leader of a workshop, every single day has a new lesson for me to learn.

The excitement of contributing to a field that directly impacts human health fuels my passion and commitment to this discipline.

I hope the journey women took before my generation and the commitment my generation has to work, pave the way for the future of women in the Biomedical Engineering field.


Emtithal Baraka:

Working in a male-dominated industry has been incredibly rewarding for me.

I’ve been fortunate to receive tremendous support from both colleagues and family, whose encouragement and belief in my abilities have strengthened my confidence and determination. Despite facing stereotypes and biases, I’ve navigated and thrived in this environment through determination and competence, earning respect and recognition along the way.

Surprising people and customers with my engineering background has turned initial shock into admiration and support, fuelling my determination to excel and inspire others to pursue their passions without limitations.

I’m grateful to BCAS Biomed and other forward-thinking organisations for providing opportunities for women and being part of the change towards a more inclusive and diverse workplace. Their commitment to equality and empowerment has paved the way for countless women to thrive in traditionally male-dominated industries, and I’m honoured to be part of this transformative journey.


Shamina Shaffi:

I admit that my journey as a woman in such a male-dominated industry has not been perfect, not because of anything at BCAS Biomed but more because of the wider culture of the sector in general.

I have never been treated differently because I am a woman, but being a woman in the roles I have had has certainly come with its challenges. I guess this is how we learn resilience and discover our strengths.

I have been at BCAS Biomed coming to 8 years now, and grateful for the amazing culture that is continually reinforcing its inclusive values.

I’ve built my knowledge around the medical devices and have gained confidence and trust. A sense of trust and flexibility within the company and its internal networks means I have been able to develop a sustainable approach in my career.

I have made some great connections and friends throughout my years at BCAS Biomed, some long-lasting connections with colleagues who know me both personally and professionally.

I would like to thank BCAS Biomed for their efforts to provide help and support whenever needed. I hope to continue to build my future within the company.


Lea Roberts:

There aren’t enough women directors and company shareholders in the UK, I feel privileged to be both.

It’s important that women are recognised for the value they bring and the influence they can have by providing a different perspective and balance. However, even in todays “supposedly equal” playing field, it can still be difficult to be heard.

As a company we champion the many female employees we have, and I feel proud to shout about it!


Zaheer Paracha:

As a man, I wanted to share my piece of story for this International Women’s Day by highlighting the women who have been pillars of strength and sources of inspiration.

At the very core of my journey stands my mother, my strength. Her life story is a testament to the power of standing firm in the face of adversity and advocating for rights. Her perseverance in overcoming challenges and her relentless pursuit of progress for not just herself but everyone around her have shaped my understanding of courage and determination.

She taught me that the true essence of strength lies in the grace with which we rise after every fall and the beliefs we carry.

Walking alongside me, is my wife, whose life twists beautifully with the values my mother instilled in me. She symbolises the balance of nurturing a loving home and excelling in her professional endeavours. Her journey sheds light on the possibilities that emerge when passion meets purpose, illustrating that the roles of a mother and a professional are not only compatible but also complementary. Her dedication and love glow bright through our lives, guiding us towards understanding that our dreams do not have boundaries, and our aspirations are valid and achievable.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we should commit to being hand in hand in this journey towards equality, lifting each other up, and recognising the incredible impact women have in our lives and on society. Let’s cherish and support the dreams, ambitions, and contributions of all the women around us, as we march forward towards a future where every woman’s potential is recognised and nurtured.

Here’s to the women in our lives who inspire, challenge, and love us. May we continue to learn from them, celebrate them, and strive for a world that acknowledges and values their contributions every day.



We want to thank the women within the Carbon 10 Group for sharing their stories, messages, and quotes with us to mark International Women’s Day.

We hope that those reading will stop and reflect that when working in a male dominated environment things can easily be taken for granted. It’s a fantastic educational journey and our female colleagues are to be saluted.

We must continue to advocate for equal rights, equal pay, and equal opportunities for all women, regardless of their background, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. We must amplify their voices, support their dreams, and empower them to reach their full potential.