Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust volunteering programme commitment

20th April 2024

We’d like to express our gratitude to Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust for engaging the Carbon 10 Group to partner through our volunteering programme commitment.

Heather Wright, Volunteer Services Manager at the Trust, informed us that this is the first corporate volunteering partnership that the Trust has embarked on. It’s a fantastic honour for us to be their first Corporate Partner, a milestone we’re extremely proud of.

The team relished the opportunity to help support the Trust at Amersham Hospital in our small way by creating a welcoming garden outside the Waterside ward, which is dedicated to patients returning to the community. It was both inspiring and rewarding to support the Trust’s goal of creating “Healthy Communities”.

Eamon van der Flier, Managing Director of the Carbon 10 Group, would like to say a huge thank you to Hugh Chamberlain for organising our visit, as well as Christine O’Brien and her dietitian team from the Trust who supported us on the day. Thank you also to Neil Macdonald, Chief Executive, for embracing our desire to form this partnership.

Another huge thanks to our team from across the Carbon 10 Group Limited, including BCAS_Biomedical Services Limited and Source Medical Ltd. for getting stuck in on the day. Sharon Leighton, Hassan Mirzai and Lea Roberts, your efforts are greatly appreciated by many.